Grand tournoi of Knights Templar at Academy of Music and Horticultural Hall. Gethsemane Baptist Church, corner of Eighteenth Street and Columbia Avenue, dedicated. Cornerstone laid of M. E. Mariners’ Bethel Church, northwest corner of Moyamensing and Washington Avenues. The first stone of the muse partitions of the Public Buildings at Broad and Market Streets was laid on the southwest nook of the southwest sq..

The Sophomores’ time was faster by 9 seconds than any earlier 4 oared gig-time on the course. December 5. New Broad Street Station of Pennsylvania Railroad Company, connected with the elevated railroad at Market and Broad Streets, opened for business with the common operating of passenger trains. November 7. The disease mark edell referred to as “pink-eye,” or epizooty, affecting horses, made its look on this metropolis, and continued about three weeks. Probably ten thousand horses belonging to passenger railway companies, and so on., had been affected, but few fatally.

Wharves, occupied by the Pennsylvania R.R. Company and the American and Red Star Steamship Lines, gave means, and sank into the Delaware, carrying down merchandise, etc. Dye-house of J. G. Haley, Gorgas Lane, Roxboro, burned.

Park Ave. and Norris St. Iron Steamship Seminole launched from the yard of William Cramp & Sons, ship and engine builders; vessel constructed for William P. Clyde & Co. Length, 290 toes; beam, 43 ft; depth, 29 toes, measurement, 2500 tons. September 23. First worldwide cricket match, at Nicetown Park, between Gentlemen of England, and Gentlemen of Philadelphia.

Freshet on the Schuylkill, water 6 feet above ordinary levels. Insane division of Philadelphia Almshouse, Blockley, totally destroyed by fireplace; twenty-four lives misplaced. Fire in furniture-factory of Clark Bros. & Co., 239, 241, 243 Levant St. Communicated to adjoining properties on Levant St. And west aspect of Second St. Loss, estimated, $145,000. October 13.

October 26. Chapel of Tasker Street M.E. Church, corner of Snyder Avenue and Fifth Street, devoted. The monetary panic continued. Great run upon the Fidelity Trust Company and Union Banking Company; each sustained demands.

Philadelphia, Newtown and New York Railroad formally opened for enterprise. New Farmers’ Market, N. Union Banking Co., Chestnut Street above Third, failed. Same day United States Banking Co., nook of Tenth and Chestnut Streets, failed.

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Wow! I can't believe we finally got to meet in person. You probably remember me from class or an event, and that's why this profile is so interesting - it traces my journey from student-athlete at the University of California Davis into a successful entrepreneur with multiple ventures under her belt by age 25