Dev Uthani Ekadashi, also known as Dev Uthani Gyaras or Prabodhini Ekadashi, marks the awakening of Lord Vishnu from his four-month-long slumber, as per Hindu mythology. This auspicious day falls on the eleventh lunar day (Ekadashi) of the bright fortnight of the Hindu month of Kartik. Devotees believe that observing rituals and fasts on this day can bring prosperity, happiness, and the blessings of Lord Vishnu. Dev Uthani Gyaras is a significant occasion for Hindu devotees, especially those in the states of Uttar Pradesh, Bihar, and other parts of India. Let’s delve deeper into the significance, rituals, and traditions associated with Dev Uthani Ekadashi.
Significance of Dev Uthani Gyaras
Dev Uthani Gyaras holds great significance in Hindu culture and is believed to mark the transition of the Gods from their deep slumber to a wakeful state, ready to bestow their blessings upon their devotees. It is said that from this day onwards, the Gods are present among us, listening to our prayers and granting our wishes. The day also signifies the beginning of the auspicious wedding season, with many Hindu marriages taking place after Dev Uthani Ekadashi.
Rituals and Traditions
Devotees observe fasting on Dev Uthani Ekadashi as a way to cleanse their bodies and minds and show their devotion to Lord Vishnu. The fast usually begins from the Dashami Tithi (tenth day) and ends on Dwadashi Tithi (twelfth day) after performing morning rituals. The fast is broken on Dwadashi with specific foods known as ‘Uthana Bhog’, including items like dairy products, fruits, and sweets.
On Dev Uthani Gyaras, devotees wake up before sunrise, take a holy bath, and dress in clean clothes. They then offer prayers to Lord Vishnu and recite Vedic hymns and mantras. Some people also read or listen to the narration of the story of King Mandhata or Vishnu Puja during this time. Temples are beautifully decorated, and idols of Lord Vishnu are adorned with new clothes and jewelry, signifying the end of His sleep.
Importance of The Tulsi Vivah Ceremony
One of the most significant rituals on Dev Uthani Gyaras is the Tulsi Vivah ceremony. Tulsi, or holy basil, is considered a sacred plant in Hindu culture and is believed to be an incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi. On this day, Tulsi is married to Lord Vishnu, symbolizing the beginning of the marriage season and the end of the Chaturmas period. The marriage ceremony is performed with great devotion and is attended by many devotees. It is believed that participating in the Tulsi Vivah ceremony can bring happiness, prosperity, and marital bliss.
Devotional Practices and Offerings
Devotees on Dev Uthani Ekadashi offer various items to Lord Vishnu as part of their worship. These offerings include flowers, incense sticks, fruits, sweets, and lighted lamps. Some devotees also perform a ‘Naga Puja’ on this day, where they offer prayers to the snake god Nag Devta. It is believed that by offering prayers to the Nag Devta, one can protect their family from all evils and gain blessings for health and prosperity.
FAQs about Dev Uthani Gyaras
1. What is the spiritual significance of Dev Uthani Ekadashi?
Dev Uthani Ekadashi is believed to mark the awakening of Lord Vishnu from his cosmic slumber and the beginning of the auspicious wedding season.
2. Why is Tulsi Vivah performed on Dev Uthani Gyaras?
Tulsi Vivah is performed on Dev Uthani Ekadashi to symbolize the marriage of Tulsi (holy basil) with Lord Vishnu and to mark the end of the Chaturmas period.
3. How is fasting observed on Dev Uthani Gyaras?
Devotees observe fasting from the Dashami Tithi to Dwadashi Tithi and break the fast with ‘Uthana Bhog’, a meal consisting of dairy products, fruits, and sweets.
4. What are the benefits of participating in the Tulsi Vivah ceremony?
Participating in the Tulsi Vivah ceremony is believed to bring happiness, prosperity, marital bliss, and the blessings of Lord Vishnu.
5. What are some traditional offerings made on Dev Uthani Ekadashi?
Devotees offer flowers, incense sticks, fruits, sweets, and lighted lamps to Lord Vishnu as part of their worship on Dev Uthani Gyaras.
Dev Uthani Ekadashi is a time of spiritual awakening, devotion, and celebration in Hindu culture. By observing rituals, participating in ceremonies, and seeking the blessings of Lord Vishnu, devotees believe they can invite prosperity, happiness, and auspicious beginnings into their lives. May this Dev Uthani Gyaras bring joy, peace, and blessings to all those who celebrate it with reverence and devotion.